Evolution Fitness is a family.

We dedicate ourselves to guiding our clients on their fitness journeys, and providing them with the tools, resources, and expertise to make fitness possible.

Here’s what a few of our clients have to say.

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    Why Evolution Fitness is a Family

    Here is one of our long-time clients sharing her emotional story, how the Evolution Fitness family rallied around her, and why she remains a dedicated client.

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    Matthew's Story

    Matthew joined our gym and worked with our personal trainers to help him transition to a new, healthier life. Here’s his story.

Cari Stewart

Six years ago, there were some major events in my life that made me realize just how important it is to take care of my body. That’s when I decided to get help and was referred to Cameron by a couple of friends.

Cameron helped me change my relationship with food and taught me how to work out (I had no clue!). I knew it had to be an entire lifestyle change in order to stick with it. It wasn’t easy, and most days I still want to eat all the junk and skip the gym.

But, being healthy so I can be there for my kids always wins out. Little by little, I’ve smashed every goal that I’ve set for myself.

I am down over 100lbs. of fat and I couldn’t have done it without having Cameron as my trainer, teammate, and friend.

Mike Ostermiller

I refer to Cameron as the “mad scientist” of nutrition and exercise. The Evolution fitness approach has helped me to do the impossible:

achieve significant muscle growth with simultaneous fat loss!

In four months working with Cameron, I have lost seven percent of my body fat without losing a single pound on the scale.